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The Government Work Report for 2022

2022-01-28 Source: Houma City Government Office

 The government works to make a report

- The 17th People's Congress in Houma on January 25, 2022

At the second meeting

Houma City people's government acting mayor Yin Mingxing

Fellow Deputies,

Now, on behalf of the Municipal People's Government, I would like to present my work report to the General Assembly for your deliberation and approval。

一、Review of work in 2021

一年来,在市委的坚强领导下,在市人大、市政协的监督支持下,全市上下坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指引,深入贯彻党的十九大和十九届历次全会精神,Full implementation中央、省、临汾市各项决策部署,紧紧围绕"1236" development ideas, perseverance, innovation and hard work, achieved a good start of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and presented the centennial birthday of the Party with excellent development achievements。

-- Double growth and improved quality of economic development。The total regional GDP of the city has been completed152.100 million yuan, an increase of 12.5%, the growth rate ranked second in Linfen City and first in Pingchuan County;The total added value of industrial enterprises above designated size was 22.400 million yuan, an increase of 40 percent year-on-year.3%, the growth rate ranked fourth in Linfen City and first in Pingchuan County;Investment in fixed assets completed 43.700 million yuan, an increase of 14.6%;Total retail sales of consumer goods were 70%.500 million yuan, an increase of 16 percent.2%;General public budget revenue completed 5.600 million yuan, an increase of 11.1%;Per capita disposable income of urban residents36,330 yuan, up 10 percent year-on-yearEstimated per capita disposable income of rural residents19592Yuan, year-on-year growth12.4%。All indicators showed double-digit growth, and solid steps were taken in high-quality economic development。

-- Precise efforts to optimize and upgrade the industrial structure。Agriculture, industry and service industries competed for growth, and the value added of primary production reached a high level throughout the year4.2.7 billion yuan, an increase of 6.6%;The value added of the three industries reached 100.800 million yuan, an increase of 10 percent.2%, the growth rate ranked third in Linfen City and first in Pingchuan County。In particular, adhere to the enterprise cluster and industry clusterGroup development,"5+N" 10 billion enterprise camp has taken shape, "seven industrial clusters"The effect is prominent, the secondary production is steadily improved, and the added value is up to47.0.2 billion yuan, an increase of 19.5%, driving the GDP growth of 7 percentage points。The proportion of three industries is 2.6:23.9:73.5 Change the value to 2.8:30.9:66.3, the structure is further optimized, showing a good trend of coordinated development。

-- Building on its advantages and continuously enhancing its vitality for development。Reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises continued to deepen, and reform of public institutions and the rural collective property rights system was completed.Consolidate and deepenThe reform of "decentralization and service efficiency" has ranked first in Linfen City for two consecutive years in the overall evaluation of the third party business environment.The reform of "commitment system + standard land + full agency" in the development zone continues to deepen, and the development level ranks the first square in the province。The number of high-tech enterprises and provincial and municipal enterprise technology centers in Linfen City accounted for 26 respectively.9%, 30%, signed 115 provincial school cooperation projects with 36 universities, introduced 30 high-end talents, and continuously enhanced innovation vitality。China-europe freight trains resumed normal operation, achieving "re-entry" for the first time.Reached strategic cooperation with Hulin City, Heilongjiang Province, and accelerated the pace of opening up to the outside world。

-- Continued development, project construction boom again。Strengthen leadership package, special class scheduling, assessment and incentive measures, and solidly promote project construction。The rate of resumption of work in 57 key projects was 94.3%, complete investment of 35.7亿元。14 investment projects, a total of 75 contracts.200 million yuan, realized the construction of 12, completed investment 9.4亿元。To undertake the second phase of the province's 2021 "three batches" Linfen main venue activities with a total investment of 84.Twenty-two projects worth 200 million yuan have been signed, started or put into operation, preparing for the high-quality development of the city's economy。

-- Making breakthroughs in key areas and upgrading urban and rural development。The upgrading and renovation project of Xintian Road and the area was fully started and the signing was completed1,057 households, the signing rate reached 92.5%, cumulative demolition of the building area of 14.30,000 square meters, the pre-project procedures to advance synchronously;Completion of the renovation of urban rain and sewage diversion pipe network19.2 km, north extension project of Huibin Street Road is completed and opened to traffic。扎实开展The "six chaos" rectification hundred-day special action, rural living environment continued to improve,Explore and create"First-line line regulation", "4+2 garbage classification" and other governance features。In the seventh national census, the population of our city increased by 7.46%, the highest growth rate in Linfen City, the city is becoming more and more attractive。

-- Coordination between the three wars and solid progress in environmental governance。We will continue to combat pollution through engineering, systematic, and scientific measures, and continue to fight for blue skies, clear waters, and clean land。We will deepen efforts to upgrade ultra-low emissions and respond to heavy pollution weather"Ten" measures, the comprehensive air pollution index decreased by 10.1%。The drainage and consolidation project of two reservoirs of the Huihe River, the expansion project of Zhengtong sewage treatment plant are completed and put into use, the water quality improvement project of the Huihe River (Copper plant section) is completed and operated, and the water quality of the Guokao section of the Fenhe River and the Huihe river reaches the four standards of surface water。Further standardize the management of solid waste dumps of Jianbang, Huaqiang and other enterprises, and steadily advance the prevention and control of soil pollution。

-- Caring for the people, the people's well-being continued to improve。Adhere to the common welfare of the people, available financial resources to invest in the livelihood of the people14.5亿元。The national skills upgrading project "Everyone has a certificate and skills Society" has achieved remarkable results, and 9,572 new urban jobs have been created, and the registered urban unemployment rate has been controlled at 3.75%。College entrance examination results continue to rank in Linfen City "first phalanx", college entrance examination reached the line55.5%。The city Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine passed the "second class" evaluation, and the new People's Hospital was fully put into use.It passed the National Health City review for the third time and successfully hosted the sixth national conference"About Ten Thousand Steps" walking incentive competition。A series of activities to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party were splendid, and mass cultural activities such as cultural projects to benefit the people and sending operas to the countryside were colorful。The achievements in poverty alleviation continued to be consolidated and expanded, and the people's happiness index continued to rise。

-- Building a bottom line and ensuring overall social harmony and stability。We carried out a three-year campaign to improve production safety, solidly promoted the investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards, and continuously consolidated the foundation for production safety。We will further promote the management of repeated letters and visits, resolve accumulated cases of letters and visits, and achieve the handling of letters and visits"Quality" and "efficiency" double improvement。We paid close attention to the comprehensive management of social security, regularly carried out the fight against crime and evil, and accelerated the construction of a community-level social governance prevention and control system, and achieved new results in the construction of "safe Houma"。In particular, we actively responded to the double test of the COVID-19 epidemic and the severe flood situation, and built a solid security line for the people。

-- Consolidating the basic foundation and strengthening self-development in an all-round way。Adhere to the guidance of party building, hold the ideological position, firmly carry out the study and education of Party history, and further promote itGovernment system, Party conduct, clean government and fight against corruption。Fully implement democratic centralism,Held throughout the yearAt the 14 executive meetings of the Government, the "three major" issues were decided by collective research。We made solid progress in law-based governance, voluntarily accepted oversight by the People's Congress, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the judiciary, auditing, and the public, and handled it throughout the yearSuggestions of NPC deputies113, 81 proposals from CPPCC members。Civil air defense, statistics, meteorology,Archives, Municipal records, Disabled Persons' Federation, Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction, ethnic and religious affairs, foreign affairs and overseas Chinese affairs,Defense education and mobilization,New achievements have been made in reserve service and other work。

Fellow deputies, although it is difficult, we show our courage and perseverance;It is only through sharpening that we can achieve success。In 2021, there are storms and rainbows, and we have overcome risks and challenges, harvested a different kind of wonderful, and handed out qualified answers。These achievements come from the strong leadership and scientific guidance of the Municipal Party Committee, from the strong supervision and strong support of the Municipal People's Congress and the Municipal CPPCC, from the perseverance and hard work of the city's broad masses of cadres and people, and from the wind and rain of all walks of life and help each other。here,I represent the city.,To the people of the city,To deputies to the People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,To all democratic parties, federations of industry and commerce, personages without party affiliation and people's organizations,To the garrison, armed police officers and soldiers, public security police,To care for and support Houma's reform and development friends from all walks of life,With high respect and heartfelt thanks!

Fellow Deputies, while reviewing our achievements, we must attach great importance to and effectively solve some prominent problems in economic and social development and the work of the government.全力Addressing the contradiction between the people's ever-growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate economic development,全力We will strengthen weaknesses in innovation ecology, business environment, industrial chain, environmental protection and work safety.全力We will do a good job in matters related to employment, education and health"Desperate and anxious" thing,全力We will correct the failure of some government officials to take responsibility, do nothing, or act inappropriately.全力Arouse the sense of urgency, sense of crisis, and sense of responsibility among Party members and leading cadres,以The mentality of "rushing for the exam", the state of fighting, the attitude of forging ahead,Hard work, pay close attention to implementation, advanced standards, strive for first-class, and strive to deliver high scores that live up to history, The Times and the people。

二、Work ideas and priorities for 2022

This year marks the victory of the Party's 20th National Congress.Be fully implementedA crucial year for the 14th Five-Year PlanIt is also an in-depth implementation of our cityAn important year for the development of "1236" ideas。

As we embark on a new journey, we are keenly aware that the international environment is becoming more complex, century-old changes are accelerating, and the pandemic remains the biggest uncertainty.Domestic economic growth is facing shrinking demand, supply shocks, and weaker expectationsThe "triple pressure" has further increased the complexity and difficulty of this year's work。We are also deeply aware that there are many favorable factors for us to do our work well this year。Our economy is resilient,The long-term positive fundamentals will not change,Central government deploys' seven major policies',There is room for macro-control,Conditions exist to stabilize the economy;Our province promotes all-round high-quality development,Linfen City implements the construction of "twin cities",Our city as a dry port type national logistics hub node city,It will usher in a wider range, wider fields and deeper development opportunities。In particular, the practice in 2021 has proved that the "1236" development ideas proposed by the 12th Party Congress of the city are scientific and accurate, our cadre team is able to fight hard battles and win battles, and we have the foundation, advantages, confidence and confidence to do the government work throughout the year。As long as we maintain a high morale, enterprising attitude, seize the opportunity, make good use of advantages, we will be able toA new road of all-round high-quality development, and constantly create a new era of Houma's development of various undertakings!

Here is the general idea for the work of the government this year以习近平新时代中国特色社会We will fully implement the principles of the 19th National Congress and all its plenary sessions under the guidance of the Communist Party of China.Carry forward the great spirit of Party building,深入贯彻习近平总书记视察山西重要讲话重要指示精神,Conscientiously implement the deployment of economic work conferences of the Central, provincial, Linfen Municipal and Municipal committees,Based on the new development stage,We will fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development philosophy,Seize the strategic opportunity to build a new development pattern,Tree fast people-centered development thought,Adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability,Full implementation"Six stability" and "six guarantees" work requirements,Coordinate epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development,Balance development and security,Actively implement the Linfen "1355" strategy,We will thoroughly implement the "1236" development strategy,It is guided by the construction of the central city of South Shanxi region,Guide expectations,Precise measures,Overall planning and coordination,Improve quality and efficiency,We will promote high-quality development on all fronts,With excellent results to meet the Party's 20 victory

This year the city's economic and social developmentThe main expected objectives are:Gross regional product growth8.Industrial added value will increase by more than 20%, fixed asset investment will increase by more than 10%, and total retail sales of consumer goods will increase by 7.7%.Revenue in the general public budget will increase by more than 9%, and the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents will increase by about 8%。All the binding indicators to complete the target tasks issued by Linfen City。

The above goals reflect the requirements of promoting all-round high-quality development and solidly promoting common prosperity。To complete these goals and tasks, we should focus on the following ten aspects of work。

(1) The cluster industry has developed and continuously expanded high-quality development momentum

Industrial cluster is to promote the future economic growthAccelerator。We should continue to strengthen the foundation, build on strengths, strengthen weaknesses, rational planning of industrial layout, and build an all-round high-quality development of the industrial matrix。

We will accelerate the pace of agricultural development by focusing on strengthening special features and promoting excellence。Make every effort to ensure stable production and supply。坚持"Storing grain in the land and storing grain in technology", strictly observing the red line of cultivated land, resolutely curbing "non-agricultural" and preventing "non-grain", and completing the construction of 6,100 acres of high-standard farmland。We will strictly implement our responsibility for food security, ensure the effective supply of livestock, poultry, aquatic products and vegetables, and keep "rice bags" and "vegetable baskets" for the people. The annual planting area of wheat is 120,000 mu and that of corn is 10 percent.The total grain output was stable at more than 87.47 million kilograms, and more than 40,000 live pigs were put out for sale。Continue to expand the industrial path。Jump out of agriculture and grab agriculture,Promote agriculture"One after another", and industrial, service and other industries integrated development。Vigorously develop "agriculture + industry", and accelerate the creation of a whole industry chain integrating planting, processing and sales, with a total investment of 3.300 million yuan Wanglong authentic Chinese herbal medicine industry chain project, the Chinese herbal medicine warehouse completed and put into use during the year, thousands of acres of Chinese herbal medicine industrial plantation started construction;Fengrunda's annual output of 20 million packets of edible fungus digital production project was completed and put into use。Vigorously develop "agriculture + service industry",Total investmentThe construction of the whole industrial chain project of Jinnan cattle in Maozhou with 200 million yuan began;Xinhonghao laying chicken breeding base project accelerated the construction of intelligent storage and standardized brooding, and Jixiang Yuan million broiler breeding project was completed and put into use。Vigorously develop"Agriculture + Tourism", constructionA group of leisure picking sightseeing agriculture, such as Beiwu cherry, Jinnan Jiao grape, grass sightseeing Park, constantly build a new form of agricultural industry development,New system, new pattern。Vigorously create characteristic brands。Focus on creating fruit industry, Chinese medicinal materials,Standardized cultureThe three characteristic agricultural industry chains provide strong impetus for farmers' income increase and high-quality agricultural development。The implementation of the "brand strong agriculture" action, the creation of 3 Linfen preferred brands, 1 "Shenzhen product" brand, certification of 2 organic foods and 4 green foods, and further expand the influence, radiation and visibility of agricultural "special" and "excellent" brands。

Focus on clusters into chains and accelerate the pace of industrial development。Build aroundThe "seven industrial clusters" will fully promote the construction of the "5+N" ten-billion-level enterprise camp and constantly expand and strengthen the industrial industry。The annual industrial output value will reach 20 billion yuan, and the proportion of strategic emerging industries will reach more than 50%。With Jianbang as the chain master, we strive to build a new material industry chain group of 10 billion。Total investment1.5 billion yuan of 500,000 tons of high-end equipment new material project, 1.Construction of a 200 million yuan 35-megawatt gas comprehensive utilization power generation project began, and the construction of a steel circular economy industrial park was accelerated。With CITIC and Pingyang as the chain master, we strive to build a ten-billion-level intelligent manufacturing industry chain group。Accelerate the integrated development of military and civilian industrial sectors and promote total investmentThe Phase II project of CITIC Scientific Research and Test Production Base of 1.5 billion yuan was launched, and the total investment was completed.5.8 billion yuan of Pingyang Heavy Industry R & D platform construction and power autonomy project plant main project。With Zhengda as the chain master, we strive to build a new building materials industry chain group of 10 billion。投资500 million yuan of Huayuan Dry port PC prefabricated construction factory, 500 million yuan of Guanghe Construction aluminum alloy template and deep processing phase II, 2.100 million yuan of HSBC building materials construction waste recycling and other projects, the main plant completed during the year;With a total investment of 1 billion yuan, Zhengda high frequency straight seam welded steel pipe project is fully put into operation and strives to achieve efficiencyDouble the value of production to100亿元With Tang Rong and Dongxin as the chain master, we strive to build a ten-billion-level auto parts manufacturing industry chain群。Continue to absorb and attract automotive assembly, automotive parts related industry chain group enterprises,Gradually form"Automotive raw materials - parts - system assembly" industrial chain, Tangrong composite new material brake drum production phase I, Dongxin annual output of 500,000 pieces of commercial vehicle disc brake casting processing projects have been put into production。The north copper is the main chain, and strives to build tens of billions of deep copper processing industry chain group。Docking the upstream and downstream enterprises of the copper industry, extending the industrial chain, and expanding the copper material essenceDeep processing industry scale。Total investment34.900 million yuan Beitong copper concentrate comprehensive recovery project,It will be completed and put into trial operation by the end of the year。Meanwhile, with Wanglong as the chain master,Relying on enterprises and carriers such as Kangwei, Kangbijian and Medical health Industrial Park, expanding and strengthening brands such as Monkey Head Jianweiling, Nankang Nanbao and Sanshen Pills, expanding the production scale of medical protective equipment,Support the Wanglong Pharmacy"Into hundreds of cities, build thousands of stores", to create the whole industry chain of Chinese herbal medicine and tens of billions of Chinese herbal medicine industry cluster

We will focus on improving quality and fostering innovation and accelerate the development of the service sector。We will seize the opportunities presented by the national pilot comprehensive reform of the modern service industry, give full play to the advantages of pillar industries in the service industry, improve service quality, and better meet people's new expectations for a better life。Do more to promote consumption。Accelerate the development of the city's commercial economy, create an excellent Xintian Road area of commercial formats, upgrade the grade of Xintian Square business district, promote the construction of Dongcheng New District business district, connect points into lines, lines into planes, and continue to enhance the vitality of consumption。Xintian Road commercial relocation project started construction, the main body of Shanghai Bailian Huaxiang Fashion Center completed。We will promote the improvement and increase of the quality of producer services, encourage existing enterprises such as Want Want Food and Hongyun Food to expand their scale and make better products, actively attract a number of full-chain service industry projects, and constantly create new economic growth points。We will accelerate the cultivation of new consumption models such as health consumption, green consumption and service consumption, and encourage all types of market players to carry out various forms of promotional activities to release consumption potential and stimulate citiesPyrotechnic gas。在现Act on behalf of the service industry。Give full play to the role of provincial live e-commerce base of emerging textile city,We will vigorously develop the Internet celebrity economy and encourage the development of new forms of business such as live streaming and contactless distribution。Strengthen the planning and operation of exhibition activities, and cultivate professional exhibition brands with Houma characteristics。We will do a good job in cross-border e-commerce and e-commerce entering the market, strengthen e-commerce incubation training, promote the standardization of agricultural special products such as Red Yan pepper, and achieve new breakthroughs in export business。Give full play to the leading role of logistics development planning, constantly optimize the layout of the logistics industry, accelerate the progress of the cold chain reserve center project of Zhenelectrification Business Industrial Park, and start the construction of Zhonghe Central kitchen and cold chain logistics projects。We will make efforts to upgrade the cultural tourism and health care industry。Actively carry out the creation of regional tourism demonstration zones, accelerate the implementation of regional tourism planning, and promote the construction of tourism big data centers。Centering on the culture of the ancient capital of Jin, we should strengthen the protection and display of cultural relics, and strive for the park of the Union Book SiteConstruction began in March, and the protection project of the Taishen Palace was completed in October。We will promote the integrated development of culture, tourism and health care, and accelerate the construction of eco-tourism projects such as Zijinshan Health Resort and Tourism Area and Yizifu health care Center for the elderly。Integrate historical, cultural, and red resource landscape attractions, and accelerate the launch of cultural tourism routes such as self-driving Tours, leisure Tours, and health Tours。In-depth development of cultural tourism products, full of shadow puppets, butterfly cups, antique bronze, Xintian embroidery pillow and other brands vitality, expand the market of intangible cultural heritage products。Improve the quality of tourism services, improve the service management level of catering and accommodation industries, and constantly enhance the attractiveness, competitiveness and influence of the cultural tourism industry。

着眼"Dual" path to accelerate the pace of digital industry development。"Number wisdom" enables the first, second and third industries, promotes industrial digitalization and digital industrialization, and creates a new highland of digital industry in southern Shanxi。Consolidate the new infrastructure,Speed up data centers,In the construction of new infrastructure such as 5G networks, 165 5G base stations were built last year, and a total of 426 were completed, strengthening the basic conditions for the development of the digital economy。The main plant of Jinyuantong 5G smart Power Technology Base project with a total investment of 500 million yuan has been completed。Foster new growth drivers,Power kick5G+ industrial Internet, encourage Jianbang, Tang Rong, Dongxin and other enterprises to accelerate the pace of informatization, industrialization integration and intelligent manufacturing, and be a good demonstration benchmark。Build a new platform,Cultivate and growHung Hoto联运Batch equalIndustrial development platform, R&D innovation platform and professional service platform, and accelerate the development of platform economy。The "Zhentong Cloud" big data service center project was completed and put into operation。Strengthen new governance,Guided by the construction of digital government, the city integrates various digital service platforms, promotes the innovation of government management and social governance models, accelerates the construction of smart cities, improves the convenience of digital livelihood services, and promotes the digital transformation of social governance。

Fellow Deputies,The realization of industrial agglomeration development is the top priority in promoting high-quality development in an all-round way。We will focus on"Seven industrial clusters", gather force "5+N" 10 billion level enterprise camp construction, full strengthMapping industry development"Panorama", the development of industrial promotion "task book", accelerate the promotion of industrial agglomeration, to provide strong momentum for high-quality development。

(二)聚力The number of market players has doubled, and the foundation for high-quality development has been continuously strengthened

Solid developmentThe "Year of the Construction of Market Entities" activities will make every effort to promote the scale, increase vitality and improve efficiency of market entities, and constantly stimulate the creative vitality of market entities。

We will further expand the private economy。We will continue to increase support for competitive enterprises and private enterprises, and promote the expansion and improvement of the private economy。Set a clear direction。坚持"Respond to requests, nothing disturbs", and create "entrepreneurs.·Mayor's meetingCommunication platforms such as the "Mayor's Breakfast Meeting" timely understand the needs of enterprises, solve the development problems of private enterprises, and create a good atmosphere for respecting, caring and serving entrepreneurs。Promote the upgrading of enterprise regulations。We will actively create demonstration counties for high-quality development of small and medium-sized enterprises, attract innovative small and medium-sized enterprises to gather and develop, and net increase industrial enterprises above designated size throughout the year8家、限额The above batch zero residential catering enterprises15, a new provincial and municipal double innovation base each。Cascade culture"Specialized and special new" enterprises。We will establish a sound cultivation system and accelerate the cultivation of innovative entities。Annual additions3 "specialized and special new" enterprises, the number of ownership continues to maintain the first in Linfen;Completed 5 small and medium-sized enterprises shareholding reform, and added 4 listed "Jinxing Board" enterprises。Encourage the development of individual businesses。Explore new models for the development of characteristic business districts, encourage markets and malls to carry out colorful business activities, and enhance market vitality。Increase policy support and focus on"Fish farming in living water" supports and guides merchants to settle in shopping malls and integrate into business circles, improve the occupancy rate of existing shopping malls and markets, and promote the prosperity and vitality of the commercial economy。

We will further strengthen policy support。We will strictly implement all policies, continuously optimize the supply of factors, and attract enterprise-type market players to gather and develop。In terms of taxes,We will earnestly implement large-scale, phased and combined tax and fee reduction policies, increase support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, individual businesses, manufacturing and other enterprises, and ensure that all preferential tax and fee policies are not implementedIf you can't buckle it, you'll take root。In terms of funds,Actively help enterprises to match technical reform support funds, further establish and improve the financing guarantee system, and promote the rapid development of enterprises。In terms of land,Accelerate land acquisition and storage, coordinate early land expropriation and demolition, soil pollution investigation, cultural relics exploration and other work, and ensure"Net land" supply;When the land is transferred, the project design plan is prepared simultaneously, so that the land can be started。At the same time, we will continue to carry out activities to help enterprises, gather more development factors such as production capacity, energy consumption, water resources, and environmental capacity, and promote enterprises to become bigger and stronger。

We will further improve the business environment。According to the requirements of marketization, rule of law and internationalization, buildThe "three nots" and "three possible" business environment will further stimulate market vitality and social creativity。Relax market access。坚持"No law can be prohibited", timely find and solve various forms of market access unreasonable restrictions and hidden barriers;Play a good market inThe decisive role of resource allocation, encouraging private enterprises through franchising and other means,We will expand into areas such as infrastructure, public services, and ecological and environmental restoration, and let private capital become the main force of investment。Optimize process procedures。By deepening"One seal management approval", the implementation of "one window through the office", the implementation of "multiple certificates in one", the exploration of market access "one industry and one certificate" and other measures, to promote "centralized acceptance, automatic distribution, collaborative handling, unified settlement" integrated services, for market players to enter the market and carry out business activities to break barriers。Improve the credit system。完善The function of the "credit Houma" platform, strengthen the supervision during and after the event, increase the publicity of credit policies, actively promote the application of "credit and easy", and constantly deepen the construction of the social credit system。

Fellow Deputies,Market players are the main participants in economic activities, the main providers of employment opportunities, and the main promoters of technological progress。We will cherish the market players, care for entrepreneurs, and strive to create a good business environment, and double the number of market players to promote the city's economic expansion, quality and accelerated development!

(3) The Juli project accelerates and increases efficiency, and continuously accumulates high-quality development momentum

Projects are the lifeblood of economic work。This year, we determined the total investment38.8 billion yuan of 100 key projects "plate", including 41 industrial, 48 government investment, 11 social investment and livelihood projects, the annual planned investment of 79.35亿元。We will take the "project construction year" as the starting point, strengthen the planning, signing, starting, construction, completion, production and other project lifecycle services, and make every effort to solve the obstacles such as slow procedures, difficult collection and demolition, and lack of funds, so as to promote the project construction to achieve solid results。

Dynamic planning, normal storage, continue to enrich the project inventory。Combined with the development status and future trend, focusing on the major strategic deployment at all levels, the project planning throughout the year, drawing a good map of industry, commerce, agriculture and other industries, and accurately planning a number of good projects, large projects, projects that optimize the industrial structure and complement the industrial chain."Six new" projects。Break the boundaries of industries and fields to plan new packaging projects and improve the coordination and integrity of projects;For the innovation industry, to seek a number of sustainable, cluster development of innovation projects;Actively docking superior policies, seeking to reserve a number of projects that can win superior financial support, and constantly mentionPromotion item"Inventory", to create a closed loop of the project, forming a good situation of continuous rolling development。

Give the green light, optimize the process, and speed up the project formalities。Solid implementation of project preliminary procedures"Centralized management Month" activity,Accelerate the pre-project pace,Organize special personnel to declare materials in time,Do a good job of project feasibility report, preliminary design and other preliminary procedures;Minimize intermediary services,Continuously reduce project approval time and cost,Especially the opening of the green channel,Strictly implement the "lead, agent and special office",Innovatively adopt such methods as acceptance of capacity and absence, pre-review, simulation examination and approval, notification commitment, parallel examination and approval,Optimize approval process,Ensure that the completion rate of pre-project procedures is above 80%。

Build a special class, clear responsibility, to promote the project construction。Set up a special class for project construction coordination, establish a multi-party coordination mechanism, and form a strong joint force for project promotion;Improve the leadership package mechanism, decompose and refine project construction level responsibilities, list tasks, responsibility lists, time lists, reverse schedule, wall map operations。建立The accountability system of "power must have responsibility, power and responsibility are unified", and the last elimination mechanism is implemented for units and individuals who are slow to advance the project。

Focus on effectiveness, strong attack, and promote the project to put into operation and achieve efficiency。We will carry out in-depth activities on project problems,Adhere to weekly meetings, monthly scheduling, quarterly start, annual summary,Regularly carry out city-wide observation and drying,Real-time follow-up, normal tracking,We will promote the early start, construction, production and efficiency of projects,Ensure successful completion of annual planned investment tasks,Fully demonstrate Houma project constructionAcceleration。

Fellow Deputies,Seeking the word first, running the word on, the dry word as the head, the effect of the word to, we willForce concentric, overcome difficulties, single-mindedly lead the project, focus on the project, build the project, and consistently grasp the project, and effectively promote high-quality economic development with high-quality project construction!

(4) Build an innovation ecosystem and continuously enhance the driving force for high-quality development

"Deepening cooperation between provincial schools and building 12 bases" is the starting point to continuously improve the level of scientific and technological innovation。

加快Fostering innovation carrier。We will fully implement a number of measures to further support scientific and technological innovation, encourage enterprises to increase investment in research and development, and maximize the vitality of enterprise innovation。发挥Enterprises play the main role in scientific and technological innovation, deepen school-enterprise cooperation, promote the deep integration of industry, university and research, accelerate the transformation of scientific research results, and constantly improve the technological content and market share of enterprise products。Support the construction of skill master studios such as Jianbang, Tang Rong and Haoli Valve, and continue to promote the scaleAll R&D activities of the above enterprises are covered。The annual national high-tech enterprises reached30家,Provincial and municipal enterprise technology center reached34家。

Actively introduceInnovative talent。In-depth implementation"Just gather Houma·Promise the futureWe will strive to attract 70 high-level talents throughout the year。Based on CITIC, Jianbang, Pingyang Heavy Industry and other large enterprises, the construction of a number of highly skilled personnel training bases;According to the needs of enterprises, the implementation of key project research "reveal the list", the implementation of technical chief responsibility system, funding system, credit commitment system, and constantly solve the core technical problems。Strengthen the cooperation between the city and the school, and strive to land 56 signed cooperation projects in Houma during the year;Actively promote the construction of "college student employment and entrepreneurship base" and "college student joint training base", increase the implementation of the city's "Talent New Deal 16", and attract more excellent college graduates to find employment and entrepreneurship。

Continue to create an atmosphere of innovation。"To be the first, carry, rise" to liberate the mind as an opportunity to discuss, adhere to the government set up a platform, enterprises sing, market operation, coordinated development, and constantly consolidate the institutional guarantee, loosen the shackles for innovation, fuel for entrepreneurship, and help create, activateInnovation and entrepreneurship create a pool of spring water, and maximize the release of the vitality and momentum of innovation in the whole society。

Fellow Deputies,Innovation is the primary driving force for all-round high-quality development。We will do everything possible to build a first-class innovation ecology, create a first-class talent environment, and strive to build our city into a highland of innovation and talent!

5. Focus on deepening reform and opening up, and constantly stimulate high-quality development

We will make breakthroughs in key areas, promote transformation and development through reform, and crack the systemInstitutional obstacles, resolving contradictions, risks and challenges, and making every effort to open up constraints on development"Barrier"。

We will comprehensively deepen energy sector reform。We will deepen the pilot work of comprehensive energy revolution reform and fully implement it"Double carbon" and "two high" requirements to promote the development of green recycling industries。Accelerate the construction of circular economy projects such as Weichuang Cloud Platform and Jinxing Environmental scrap processing;Encourage and support Jianbang and CITIC to implement comprehensive utilization projects of industrial solid waste, produce complete sets of equipment, and actively explore the market。Focusing on the "double control" goal, improve the efficiency of energy supervision, and strive to reduce energy intensity throughout the year3.9%。With enterprises as the main body, play A positive leading role in environmental protection, launch the implementation of enterprises in key industries to upgrade and create A action, promote the transformation of industrial enterprises from passive peak to active governance, and constantly improve the level of environmental governance and management in key industries。Continue to do a good job in energy supply, further consolidate and improve the city's power grid supply security, Fengrunda 20 MW photovoltaic power generation project to achieve grid-connected power generation。

We will continue to deepen reform of the fiscal and taxation systems。Straighten out the fiscal and taxation system of the development zone, strengthen integration, scientific overall planning, and maximize the different policy advantages of the municipal and district finances。We will do a good job of steadily increasing the revenue of traditional financial resources.We will further improve the structure of government spending and ensure that money is collected, managed and used well."Three guarantees", pressure "three public", especially based onThe provincial financial system directly manages the policy advantage of the pilot county, and actively studies中央The direction of the "seven major policies" and the key policy funds of the province and Linfen City shall be accurately connected and followed up to provide "financial" support for economic and social development。同时,We will carry out other reforms in a coordinated manner.We will consolidate the achievements of the reform of public institutions and the reform of the rural collective property rights system, complete the three-year action tasks for the reform of state-owned enterprises, and continue to carry out pilot work such as the comprehensive national reform of new urbanization, so as to deepen reform and enable all-around high-quality economic and social development。

We will speed up the unimpeded circulation of the domestic economy。Actively undertake provincesThe strategic layout of "new heights of inland areas opening up to the outside world" and "national logistics hub of dry port bearing city construction" of Linfen City, give play to the advantages of location and transportation, expand the level of opening up to the outside world, and improve the level of opening up to the outside world。Based on the "Jinshan-Henan Yellow River Golden Triangle" and "Guanzhong plain city cluster" important node city advantage,We have actively conducted exchanges and cooperation with the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the Yangtze River Delta,Forward-looking planning, take the initiative to undertake Beijing's non-capital functions,Efforts should be made to expand development space through regional cooperation,Build a high-level open, export-oriented platform in the south of Shanxi。Especially toAccelerate the application for the construction of comprehensive bonded zones,The responsibility of the compaction class is to gather the joint efforts of all parties to promote the application for the construction of the comprehensive protection zone。With the comprehensive insurance construction and investment company as the main platform, accelerate the construction of Linfen (Houma) comprehensive insurance zone projectActively attract"Two" processing trade enterprises, increase the number of processing trade enterprises, expand the total volume of imports and exports, increase the proportion of bonded business, achieve new breakthroughs in foreign trade, and lay a solid foundation for the early success of the application。

Actively integrate into the domestic and international double cycle。Further promote the construction of a strong transportation province, strengthen planning guidance,Relying on the Fang Strategy bonded logistics center, we will make every effort to build a new hub for the opening and linkage of inland areas, and focus on the implementation of port-type international inland ports"One Park, Two networks, two levels and multiple Dimensions" Multimodal transport demonstration project of bulk cargo containers, promoting the normal operation of China-Europe (Asia) train, and realizing more train "return"。Actively promote strategic cooperation with Heilongjiang Hulin City,To achieve all-round, multi-level and wide-ranging strategic cooperation and win-win development;Relying on Zhentong cross-border e-commerce and other platforms,Promote modern logistics to reduce costs, improve quality and increase efficiency;Organize foreign trade enterprises to participate in international exhibitions such as the "Import Expo",Go out and bring in,Enhance product competitiveness,Raise the level of imports and exports。

Fellow Deputies,It is relying on reform and opening up that Houma has completed one transformation after another and opened a new journey。We must unswervingly deepen reform, expand opening up, and transform HoumaThe driving force of the road is getting stronger and stronger, so that the pace of high-quality development is becoming more and more solid!

(六)聚力Park city constructionContinue to expand high-quality development space

立足"The ancient capital of Jin·Park city"Positioning, closely grasp the opportunity of Linfen City" twin city "construction, closely grasp the goal of building the central city of southern Shanxi region, adhere to the integration of city, suburb, township and village planning, synchronous construction and overall management, and strive to build Houma into" a bright pearl "in southern Shanxi region.。

Adhere to planning and guidance。In accordance with the principle of ecological priority, focusing on the goal of building the central city of southern Shanxi region, we will step up the preparation of the overall territorial space plan, complete the preparation and approval of the plan according to the node, and continue to improve the scientific, guiding and operational nature of urban construction and governance作性。Focus on urban renewal, speed up the preparation of urban design, broaden the space of urban development;Benchmarked rural revitalization, targeting outside urban development boundaries53 villages, and the preparation and reporting of the Practical Village Plan for the remaining 38 villages will be completed by the end of the year。

Intensify urban renewal。On the basis of the improvement of urban infrastructure and complete basic functions, we will further expand the urban framework, make up for the shortcomings of facilities, upgrade the city's energy level, and make the city more beautiful and attractive。Improve the circulation outside the city。Continue to improve the regional traffic level,Actively promote Hancheng- Houma-Jincheng intercity railway, general aviation airport and other projects landed;Speed upThe pace of construction of 108 National Highway rerouting project;The expansion project of the West high-speed railway station will be completed in OctoberStrengthen meridians in the city。To accelerate the progress of upgrading and upgrading of Xintian Road and its area,Construction will start in early March and the road will be opened to traffic by the end of October.We will further promote the upgrading of backstreets, alleys and roads, the diversion of rain and pollution, the construction of community-level Party and mass service centers, and the completion and operation of kitchen waste and construction waste treatment plants.Tongbei Street, Jinzhu Street north extension, Huibin Street south extension and other new roads are completed and opened to traffic (Chu village to lower flat sectionPavement improvement project to fightCompleted by the end of August;Scientifically plan bus parking lots, improve supporting facilities for new energy vehicles, and do an all-round job of upgrading urban passenger transport。At the same time, we will accelerate the renovation of 36 old residential communities in the city, start construction in mid-March, and strive for completion by the end of the year。Create a new urban landscape。Accelerate the display of Jin cultural characteristics of the Mengshu site park andConstruction of 8 street parks;completeClean Government Park, Jinshan Park, etcUpgrading and upgrading of 8 parks。Speed up the construction of new Dongcheng Park and Huihe river landscape, drawing a beautiful picture of "people in the city, the city in the garden"。Making cities more livable。We will continue to improve the management and control of building facades, public infrastructure, unauthorized construction, and illegal parking.Continue to improve the city's fine, standardized, digital, grid management level, for the city's masses to create a comfortable and satisfactory livable environment。Carry out regular urban and rural environmental sanitation remediation actions, timely start the construction of national civilized cities, and constantly improve the visibility and competitiveness of cities。

Promote rural revitalization。In accordance with the rural revitalization strategyThe "two crosses" requires that all efforts be made to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively link up with rural revitalization, and build a beautiful countryside with beautiful ecology, sweet life, and social peace。We will continue to improve rural living conditions。Summarize and consolidate rural areas"Six chaos" special rectification results, start the environmental health quality improvement project, continue to promote the improvement of rural environment。We will accelerate the development of park-style rural areas, create one or two provincial-level demonstration villages for rural revitalization, and start construction on projects to upgrade rural living environments。Development and expansion setBody economy。We will further standardize the organization and management of rural economic organizations, and adopt policies based on local conditions.We will encourage rural communities to run cooperatives well, develop living and production services, build a number of village collective industry projects, and continuously raise the level of rural collective economic income。Actively plan to start the construction of demonstration areas for rural revitalization such as Xiangyi Lake, Shangma District, and Dananzhuang District。We will consolidate and expand our achievements in poverty alleviation。Continue to deepen dynamic monitoring and pay close attention"Three types of households", adjust the functions of the help task force, and resolutely hold the bottom line that large-scale poverty will not occur。Increasing the number of people lifted out of povertyIncome from business operations, wages, transfers and property,Promote common prosperity。We will continue to strengthen the construction of rural culture。Adhere to local conditions, change customs and customs, continue to improve village rules and conventions, conduct extensive moral education, improve the spiritual outlook of rural people, and improve the level of civilized governance in rural society。

Fellow Deputies,Houma hasIn the history of more than 200 years since the founding of the capital of Jin State, "Jin" cultural elements can be found everywhere。We'llWe will dig deep into historical and cultural resources, unswervingly follow the path of integrating urban and rural areas, and jointly building and sharing, so as to make the city more livable, inclusive and attractive。

(7) Gather strengthThe construction of development zones has continuously strengthened high-quality development support

The development zone is the main battlefield, main position and main engine for project construction, investment attraction and transformation development。We will be around the provincial party committeeNew requirements and new positioning of "three changes" and "four intensification", actively create national development zones, and strive to create an "upgraded version" of development zones.。

Speed up the upgrading of development zones。Continuous deepeningThe reform of "three chemical systems and three systems", actively promote the separation of "pipe and transport", effectively revitalize zombie enterprises, and accelerate the "release cage and change birds"。Strengthen planning and guidance, upgrade the infrastructure of the park with high standards, focus on accelerating the construction of infrastructure such as roads of the Huinan Industrial Park, complete the road and rain and pollution diversion pipe network project of Xiangyi Industrial Park, and complete the main body of the fire station project。

Be the main force for attracting investment。Give full play to the advantages of the policy, location and industrial base of the development zone, shoulder the main responsibility of investment promotion, and formulate"Supplement chain extension" investment map, actively carry out long board investment, research-based investment, chain main enterprise investment, emotional investment, constantly enrich the investment project library, and effectively enhance the professional investment effectiveness。Give full play to the role of various chambers of commerce and intermediary organizations, and introduce and land a number of "head", "chain master" and "chain supplement" enterprises with high technology content, strong driving ability and low energy consumption intensity。Based on the needs of different industries, industries and projects, tailored corresponding support policies, improve the pertinence of attracting projects, and promote the landing of attracting projects as soon as possible。Over 7.5 billion yuan of investment was completed throughout the year, and the start-up rate of contracted projects reached more than 50%。

Fully implement"Three reforms"。Soil and water conservation and environment involved in the project landingImpact assessmentAll the eight approval items shall be examined and approved by a commitment system, so that enterprises can run less errands.Let information get out of the way。Vigorously promoteThe reform of "standard land", transferring 2-3 high-quality "standard land" throughout the year, realizing the land can be started;"On the hero of mu yield", not only let enterprises choose land, but also let the land choose enterprises, and constantly improve the intensity of investment, output intensity, and tax intensity。Refine the responsibilities of leaders and agents, do simple approval matters immediately, professional approval matters counseling quickly, and constantly optimize the "soft environment" for business。

Rolling implementation"Three batches"。It is carried out simultaneously with the province and Linfen City"Three batches" activities, do a good job in the province's first round of activities after the Spring Festival。Focusing on the three keys of signing, starting and putting into production, strengthening the five key project promotion and operation mechanisms of "one package leadership, one service class, one promotion plan, one list of problems, and one supervision ledger", list management, wall chart operation, and inverted schedule, and promoting the landing effect of more industrial projects。The annual industrial investment in the development zone increased by more than 20%, and the industrial added value above designated size increased by more than 25%, accounting for more than 80% of the city;No less than 3 new industrial projects of more than 200 million yuan will be started, and the investment completed in the year will be no less than 1 billion yuan;Various assessment indicators maintain the "first square array" of the province's development zones。

Fellow Deputies,Bearing a new development mission, the development zone will surely blossom into a powerful functional advantage。We will consciously place the development zone in the overall pattern of the province and even the whole country to search for benchmarks and continue to enhance high-quality development"Hardcore" competitiveness!

(8) Gather strengthEnvironmental quality improvement, constantly polish high-quality development background color

A sound ecological environment is what the people want and hope for。Environmental protection does not live up to green mountains, and development does not live up to ecology. We will always maintain our strategic determination to protect the ecological environment. We will not waver, slacken our efforts, or slacken our efforts, and resolutely fight the battle against pollution。

守护"A blue sky"。Strictly enforceAction plan for comprehensive ecological and environmental Improvement in 2022,From the year to the end of the year, a foot on the accelerator in the end, resolutely get rid of LinfenThe passive situation of falling behind the bottom。Compaction job responsibilities。Clear four sets of team responsibilities,We will improve the notification and interview mechanism, strictly pursue responsibility and accountability, and dare to be serious and brave enough to confront the toughThe "Party and government share the same responsibilities, departments are clearly responsible, and everyone is responsible" mechanism has been implemented。Highlight precise control。Give full play to the role of expert teams, promote accurate and scientific pollution control, give priority to the control of industrial enterprises, dust from construction sites, vehicle transportation, loose coal, non-point source pollution, and continue to improve environmental management and pollution control。Strengthen supervision and law enforcement。Strengthen the leadership of law enforcement inspections, to promoteThe five measures of "transformation, enterprise governance, coal reduction, vehicle control and dust reduction" have been implemented.Strengthen the linkage of ecological and environmental protection law enforcement and maintain the high pressure of environmental protection law enforcement;Strengthen environmental supervision, implement the grid environmental supervision mechanism, and promote the effective implementation of environmental remediation measures。

守护"A pool of clear water"。We will do a good job in controlling water and revitalizing water, and provide strong water support and water guarantee for economic and social development。Push forward projects to control water。Accelerate the construction of integrated management project of Huihe River ecological restoration, and further increase the advancement of rural sewage treatment project;The Fenhe River comprehensive treatment project began construction, while continuing to do wellThe "two rivers" project docking planning and packaging work, and actively strive for special financial support from superiors。Strengthen operation management。Actively promote the stable operation of rural domestic sewage treatment stations, copper plant sewage treatment stations, and Zhengtong sewage treatment plants, and ensure that the effluent quality meets the discharge standards。Strictly implement"River long system", actively do a good job in the rainy season to ensure that the water quality of Fenhe River, Huihe river continues to meet the standard。Ensure drinking water safety。All-round implementation"Four water and four fixed" requirements, step up planning to promote Fenxi irrigation District Longzi temple spring water supply water source replacement to Houma City, water purification plant and factory transmission pipe lines and other projects, rural water supply project upgrading, urban and rural water supply network and water plant renovation and expansion projects to start construction, effectively solve the contradiction between urban and rural domestic water supply and demand。

守护"A pure land"。Strengthen the control of key soil pollution supervision units, carry out the investigation of soil pollution hazards in an orderly manner, and ensure the overall stability of the city's soil environmental quality;Strengthening soil environmentRisk management and control,We will standardize the management of solid waste and hazardous waste, and continue to promote the safe use of contaminated farmland。统筹“山Water, forest, land, lake, grass and sandComprehensive prevention and control, speed up"Two screens and two belts" construction,Jianbang and Tangrong approved areas are fully covered with green,Continue to improve the effectiveness of ecological restoration and governance of Zijinshan。

Fellow Deputies,Man does not live up to green mountains, and green mountains will live up to man。We will firmly establish greenThe concept of water and green mountains is gold mountain and silver mountain, adhering to the protection and development in the development of protection,Strive to build a beautiful Houma where the green mountains are always in, the green water is always flowing, and the air is always new!

(9) Gather strengthWe will improve people's well-being and continue to benefit from high-quality development

Always put the people in the highest place in our hearts, and conform to the people's yearning for a better lifeWe will continue to enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security。

We will focus on entrepreneurship and employment to ensure people's livelihood。We will give top priority to ensuring stable employment, continuously increase the scale and quality of employment, and achieve the goal of increasing people's income。Implement policies to promote employment。We will combine the promotion of employment with the multiplication of market players, fully implement policies to support employment, reduce burdens, stabilize jobs and expand employment, and relieve the burden on market players。Expand channels to promote employment。Continue to deepen implementationThe "Everyone has a certificate and skills society" project, strengthens the construction of entrepreneurship incubation demonstration bases, returning pioneer parks and other carriers, integrates the advantages of Houma Vocational secondary School and Houma Technical School, improves the quality of skill training, and increases the number of skilled talents by 2,000 people throughout the year。We will strengthen support and promote employment。We will provide employment assistance, put in place a mechanism to help prevent people from returning to poverty and finding employment, and ensure that key groups such as college graduates and rural migrant workers find employment8000 people, registered unemployment rate controlled at 4.Within 5%, 4,000 rural workers will be transferred。We will improve services and promote employment。Improve the quality of employment services, and continue to promote the upgrading of the employment market;We will strengthen the construction of public employment service systems at the city and township levels"Ten minutes" social service circle;According to the characteristics of developed tertiary industry and active flexible employment in our city, the construction of gig market should be started.Strengthen the establishment of labor brand, and actively build "Houma e-commerce" labor brand。

Focus on improving the quality of education and consolidating the foundation of people's livelihood。In order to createWith the goal of "strong city of high-quality education in southern Shanxi", we adhere to the integrated development of urban and rural education, accelerate the construction of public schools, train high-quality teachers, and promote the overall optimization of educational resources and the overall improvement of education quality。Universal preschool education,We have steadily increased the coverage rate of inclusive kindergartens, and started construction of the Municipal Road Kindergarten, the Zhangcun Kindergarten and the Yuying Kindergarten。Equalization of compulsory education,Actively create high-quality and balanced development of counties (cities), continuous progressThe work of "double reduction" has been implemented。The new No. 2 Middle School completed site selection and started work in full swing;The main structure of Dongcheng Primary School and Beicheng Primary School has been completed。High school education quality,Continue to improve the level of education and teaching, improve the quality of students, maintain the leading position in Linfen college entrance examination, and strive to achieve new breakthroughs。Characteristic of vocational education,Aim at market demand, promote the integration of production and education, and do well2-3 characteristic backbone specialties, forming a radiating Houma school brand around。

Focus on health and literature, care for people's livelihood needs。围绕The construction of "Healthy Houma" firmly establishes the concept of big health and big health, and provides the people with higher quality health services throughout the life cycle。High quality promotes the development of health care。We will continue to deepen the reform of the medical and health care system, promote the sinking of medical resources, and improve the medical treatment capacity of townships and villages。Accelerate the construction of the comprehensive building of traditional Chinese Medicine hospital,Further upgradeThe service level of people's hospitals and traditional Chinese medicine hospitals provides high-quality medical services for the masses in the surrounding areas。High standards to promote the development of healthy cities。We will further improve public cultural and sports facilities, promote the construction of national fitness centers, and guide the people to develop healthy living habits。Continue to organize the seventh National 10,000 Steps about Walking incentive Competition;Be the home of Bright World darts"Sports business card", hold the national soft darts tournament, the China Basketball Open and other events。Promoting cultural activities at a high level。We will strengthen the development of cultural infrastructure and the cultural system, further implement cultural projects that benefit the people, plan and launch a number of culture-themed activities during key festivals and periods, and promote cultural activities"Intangible cultural heritage" into the campus, into the community, into the countryside, and constantly enrich the people's cultural life。

Focus on social security and support people's livelihood。We will continue to provide a bottom-line, weave a dense network, and build mechanisms to achieve a multi-level social security system that covers all people, coordinates urban and rural areas, and is fair, unified, and sustainable。Improve the social security system,We will further improve the systems of social assistance, social welfare and charity, and improve the treatment of low-income and vulnerable groups。Comprehensively promote the double support work in the new era, faithfully implement various policies for the service guarantee of retired soldiers, guide the majority of retired soldiers to maintain a fine style, and do not leave the army and retire without fading。We will promote full coverage of insurance for both urban and rural residents.We will implement the universal insurance program and break flexible employmentRestrictions on household registration, promote basic pension, medical, industrial injury, unemployment and other insurance should be covered。Improve the quality of elderly care services,We will promote the coordinated development of the elderly care industry and the elderly care industry, do a good job in the application and follow-up work of the happiness project for the elderly in urban communities, and strengthen the operation and management of elderly care institutions and day care centers。Strengthen the construction of social work stations and social work teams,Complete the construction and operation of social work stations, improve the ability of grassroots civil affairs management, optimize the convenience and benefit of the people, and open up the service of the masses"The last mile"。

Fellow Deputies,The people's livelihood is expected to be Yin, and the struggle is not exhausted。We will start from the areas that the people are most concerned about, start from solving the problems that are most troubling to the people, and take concrete actions to fulfill the sacred responsibilities of the people's government as the people!

(十)聚力Overall harmony and stability, and constantly create a good environment for high-quality development

This year, with many major events and events, it is all the more important to balance epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development, development and security, and resolutely uphold the defense line, red line and bottom line。

We must maintain a strong defense against the epidemic。We will resolutely overcome paralyzing thoughts, war-weariness, fluke mentality, and relaxation mentality, continue to keep an eye on key groups, key places, key areas, and key links, and firmly grasp and detail all regular prevention and control measures。Speed up the promotion of free vaccine accessWork to improve scientific and precise prevention and control capabilities and levels。Full compaction"Four-party responsibility", improve the minimum control unit, strengthen the construction of grid staff, and weave a dense epidemic prevention and control network。We will carry out combat exercises on a regular basis, comprehensively improve our emergency response capacity, minimize the risk of spread of the epidemic, and firmly defend the defense line of "preventing import from outside and preventing rebound from inside"。

Fully observe the red line of production safety。Further compaction responsibility,Strictly implement the Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and the safety of local Party and government leadersProvisions on the Whole Production Responsibility SystemImplementation rules and relevant provisions of "three pipes and three must",Formulate and promulgate quantitative accountability measures for the city's work safety as soon as possible,To guide the competent departments of the industry to establish a list of power and responsibility for production safety,Urge enterprises to establish a safety production responsibility list for all employees,Compacting corporate main responsibility, territorial management responsibility, department supervision responsibility,We will strengthen all parties to know, fulfill and fulfill their responsibilities。Fight the end of the three-year campaign to improve production safety,"One drawing, one account and four lists"In order to start, in-depth investigation and rectification of risks and hidden dangers in the field of safety productionThe "100-day Attack" campaign and the special campaign to crack down on the illegal mining of mineral resources,Work hard to prevent and defuse major security risks,We will focus on the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in key industries such as chemical, fire, metallurgical industry and trade, road traffic, building construction, urban and rural gas, forest fire prevention, special equipment, food and drugs。Work hard to improve disaster prevention, mitigation and relief capabilities,Work has been done to prevent and control geological disastersIn the 14th Five-Year Plan, we will complete the first natural disaster risk survey, repair and rebuild post-disaster water conservancy projects, speed up the modernization of emergency management systems and capabilities, continue to improve the prevention and treatment of natural disasters, and scientifically respond to and handle disasters and accidents。

We will ensure social stability across the board。We will make solid progress in governing the city in accordance with the law and earnestly implement itWe will improve the three-tier public legal service system, build a mechanism for resolving multiple conflicts and disputes, and create a sound legal environment in an all-round way。We will strengthen the stability of letters and visits, do a solid job of managing repeated visits and resolving accumulated cases of letters and visits, and address the reasonable demands of the people in a timely and local manner in accordance with the law。We will do our utmost to ensure the stability of petitions and petitions。We will strengthen the prevention and resolution of financial risks, and prudently promote the work of applying risks to rural and commercial banks。We will strengthen public security control, regularly push forward the fight against crime and evil, crack down on illegal and criminal activities such as theft, robbery and fraud, prostitution, gambling and drugs, food and drug rings, and telecommunications and Internet fraud, and create a safe and harmonious social environment。We will make solid efforts to mobilize and support national defense, do a good job in auditing, statistics, civil air defense, meteorology, archives, ethnic and religious affairs, and foreign and overseas Chinese affairs, and support trade unions, the Communist Youth League, women's federations, disabled persons' federations, the Federation of Arts and Culture, the Association of Science and Technology, the Family Planning Association, the Red Cross and other mass organizations in playing a better role。

Fellow Deputies,The original heart is like the rock, the mission is on the shoulder。We will firmly foster an overall approach to national security, increase our awareness of potential dangers, always prepare for danger in times of peace, promote high-quality development and high-quality security, and continue to build a sound situation of long-term social stability.

Third, we will comprehensively strengthen government self-improvement

Fellow deputies, the great trust placed by the people of the city is solemn and sacred, and the mission undertaken by the government is glorious and arduous。With a spirit of never slacking off and an indomitable attitude of struggle, we will comprehensively improve our governance capacity and level and strive to build a service-oriented government that the people are satisfied with。

Speak politics clearly。坚持把政治建设摆在首位,巩固拓展党史学习教育成果,加强创新理论武装,始终把学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想作为第一议题,坚决捍卫"Two establishment", enhance the "four consciousness", firm "four self-confidence", achieve "two maintenance", and constantly improve political judgment, political understanding and political execution.不折不扣贯彻落实习近平总书记重要指示批示和上级党委、政府,以及市委的决策部署,在胸怀New achievements have been made in promoting high-quality development in the "two overall situations" and practicing "the biggest of the country"。

Administrative tree image according to law。Firmly establish a rule-of-law mindset,深入贯彻习近平法治思想,We will strictly abide by the Constitution and other laws, accurately grasp the requirements for building a law-based government in the new era, apply law-based thinking and methods to carry out our work, unswervingly promote law-based administration, and ensure that government work is carried out on the track of rule of law。We will consciously accept the legal oversight of the People's Congress, the democratic oversight of the CPPCC, the social oversight, and the auditing oversight, and effectively protect the people's rights to be informed, to participate, to be heard, and to supervise。

Practice purpose and keep the original heart。We should strengthen the concept of people-centered development and ensure that development is for the people, by the people and shared by the people。Keep in mind the safety of the masses, put the interests of the masses in the first place, take the satisfaction of the masses as the first standard, and continue to carry out"I do practical things for the masses" activities, do everything possible to do the urgent things of the people, and exchange the "service index" of the government's work for the "happiness index" of the people.。

Enhance ability and promote responsibility。Strengthen learning and improvement, enhance the ability to take on responsibilities, enrich the reserve of professional knowledge, complement and strengthen professional abilities, learn to calculate economic accounts, social accounts, ecological accounts and other accounts, and constantly improve the ability to navigate complex situations, analyze decisions, and promote implementation力。We should enhance our ability to take on responsibilities, have the courage to tackle tough problems, be good at accomplishing things, make concrete moves, do practical things, and seek practical results. We should carry out our work in a deeper and more practical way and in the hearts of the people.Complete all tasks with high quality and high level。

Construct matrix grasp implementation。The "horizontal to the edge, vertical to the end" system closed loop, strong management, grasp promotion, promote implementation, both forward "five meters", strengthen cooperation,Linkage force;It also compacted the work responsibility, promoted the task package to the leader, decomposed to the unit, detailed to the section (unit) room, implemented to the head, and constructedThe responsibility matrix of "one level grasp one level, level grasp management, level grasp implementation"。At the same time, increase the supervision and supervision and reward and punishment assessment, to supervise the short, to urge the reform, to supervise the effectiveness, to test the gap, test the power, test the performance, and form a vivid situation for everyone to implement and everyone to implement。

Clean and disciplined work style。Always put the rules of discipline in the front, strict political disciplineAnd political rules, strictly implement the main responsibilities of the construction of party style and clean government"One job and two responsibilities",Take the lead in implementing the eight-point regulations of the Central Government and punish with heavy fistsOn the issue of "four winds", we have always maintained the high-pressure situation of "zero tolerance" in punishing corruption, and have continuously promoted the construction of a clean government, so as to build a good political ecology with lasting wind, clean atmosphere and positive atmosphere for promoting high-quality development in an all-round way。

Fellow Deputies,A man who fights in the middle moves forward。让我们更加紧密地团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,在市委的坚强领导下,在市Under the supervision and support of the People's Congress, the Municipal CPPCC and all sectors of society, we gather our strength, innovate and forge ahead,Strive to create a new chapter of all-round high-quality development of Houma, with excellent results to meet the party's 20 victory!

 Word interpretation

1."5+N" 10 billion enterprise camp:That is, around the city's existing CITIC electromechanical,Tang Rong Manufacturing, Zhengda system management, Jianbang casting, Beitong copper industry and other leading enterprises"5+N" 10 billion enterprise camp。

2."Seven Industrial Clusters" :The 12th Party Congress of the city proposed that based on Houma's industrial advantages, the development and expansion of equipment manufacturing, military-civilian integration, modern logistics, traditional Chinese medicine health care, precision processing, auto parts and science and technology innovation"Seven industrial clusters"。

3."Management and service effect" :We will streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation, improve services, and improve performance

4."4+2" Garbage classification:“4”Refers to recyclables, hazardous waste, kitchen waste, other garbage;“2”Refers to large garbage, decoration garbage。

5.“六乱”:Build in disorder, pile in disorder, pour in disorder。

6."Triple one" :It refers to decision-making on major issues, the appointment and removal of important cadres, investment decisions on major projects, and the use of large amounts of funds。

7."Seven major Policies" :In 2022, the Central Economic Work Conference proposed that policies conducive to economic stability should be actively introduced, and policy efforts should be appropriately advanced, and policies should be subdivided into seven categories, namely macro policies, micro policies, structural policies, science and technology policies, reform and opening up policies, regional policies and social policies。

8.Linfen City "twin city" construction:Refers to the provincial Party Committee to Linfen"To build a model city of green rise transformation in the Yellow River Basin, and to build a central city in the Jinshan-Shan-Henan Huanghe Golden Triangle region"。

9."Six stable" "Six guarantees" :"六稳It means stabilizing the financial sector, foreign investment, expectations, employment, foreign trade and investment.六保It refers to ensuring the basic people's livelihood, ensuring the operation of the grassroots, ensuring food and energy security, ensuring the stability of the industrial chain and supply chain, ensuring the employment of residents, and ensuring market entities。

10.“1355”战略:The fifth Party Congress of Linfen City"1355" development strategy, that is, "adhere to one lead, coordinate the three major sectors, focus on five key points, and achieve five new leaps"。

11.Specialized and new:“专”,就是"Specialization", focusing on an industry, specializing in several products, specializing in serving a class of customers, focusing on developing some areas;“精”,就是"Fine management" excellent product or service quality, excellence in work style, streamlined and efficient management system and process;“特”,就是"Unique or better", that is, seize the characteristics of customers and form their own characteristics such as product characteristics, service characteristics, etc.;“新”,就是"Innovation", to new design, new products, new styles, new packaging, new image, and so on, to constantly meet the new needs of customers。

12."Three noes" and "three possible" business environment:That is, a business environment that is non-discriminatory, barrier-free, free from worries, predictable, reliable and developable。

13.“六新”:New infrastructure, new technology, new materials, new equipment, new products and new business forms。

14.“双碳”:Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutral。

15.“两高”:High energy consumption, high pollution。

16.“双控”:Double control of energy intensity and total energy consumption。

17.“三保”:Ensure basic people's livelihood, ensure wages and ensure operation。

18.“三公”:Consumption generated by government department personnel going abroad for business, official car purchase and operation expenses, official entertainment expenses。

19."Two ends outside" processing trade enterprises:In the processing trade, the bonded materials imported come from abroad, and the finished products produced must be re-exported to abroad。

20."One garden, two nets, two dimensions" :“一园”It refers to Shanxi Fangli Bonded International dry Port Park, which has the superposition functions of bonded logistics, first-line port inspection and release, international inland railway and road waterless port, etc.“双网”Digital rest"Ground network" (logistics operation and operation system) and "information network" (logistics information operation system);“两级”Refers to domestic and international service levels;“多维”Refers to the provision of services for goods with different spatial and temporal transport characteristics。

Twenty-one.Rural revitalization strategy "two cross" requirements:The industry is prosperous, the ecology is livable, the village style is civilized, the governance is effective, and the life is prosperous。

22."Three types of households" :Poverty alleviation unstable households, marginal households prone to poverty, due to causes of disaster due to disability due to accidents caused by serious difficulties in basic life。

23."Three transformations" and "Four intensifications" :That is to promote the development zone from expanding area to improving efficiency, from homogenized competition to differentiated development, from focusing on hard environment to creating a soft environment, strengthen planning guidance, strengthen economic output, strengthen comprehensive empowerment, and strengthen incentives and constraints。

24."Three systems" :Refers to the tenure system of the leading group of the Development zone and the employment of all staffAppointment system and performance pay system, accelerate the construction of professional, market-oriented, international management team。

25."Four water and four definite" :With water to determine the city, water to determine the land, water to determine the people, water to determine the production。

26."Two screens and two belts" construction:Along the Yellow River ecological culture belt and along the Fenhe ecological Economic belt, Lvliang Mountain ecological barrier and Taiyue Mountain- Zhongtiao Mountain ecological barrier,

27.“双减”:We will reduce the homework burden and off-campus training burden of students in compulsory education。

28."Quartet Responsibility" :It refers to the mobilization of the whole city during the epidemic period, the full implementation of the four responsibilities of the territory, departments, units and individuals, and the establishment of a common prevention and control system for the whole society。

29."Three pipes and three must" :The management of business must be in charge of safety and environmental protection, the management of industry must be in charge of safety and environmental protection, and the management of production and operation must be in charge of safety and environmental protection。

Thirty.One picture, one account and four lists:“一图”,That is, the major investigation and rectification of security risks and hidden dangers;“一账”,That is, the major investigation and rectification of security risks and hidden dangers;"Four lists",That is, log list, hidden danger list, rectification list, and acceptance list。


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