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Issuing Agency: Houma City People's Government Office Cable number: 11140981012790572U-2/2023-00028
标     题: Notice of Houma Municipal People's Government Office on printing and distributing the Implementation Plan of the 2023 Agricultural Production Trusteeship Service Pilot Project in Houma Written date: 2023-08-23
文     号: Office of the Marquis issued [2023] 28 Release Date: 2023-09-13
Subject categories: Agriculture, forestry, water conservancy Subject word: 农业

Township people's governments, Shangma Sub-district Office, Zhangcun Sub-district Office, all relevant units directly under the city:

Houma City2023The implementation Plan of the annual Agricultural production trusteeship Service Pilot project has been agreed by the Municipal People's Government and is hereby issued to you. Please implement it carefully。

Houma City People's Government Office

(This is public发布            2023823

Houma City2023Annual agricultural production trusteeship service pilot project

1. Guiding ideology

According to the Office of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Shanxi Province2023 Agricultural production trusteeship service pilot work guidance notice(晋农发〔202318号)Document requirementClosely focused on promoting the structural reform of the agricultural supply side, with the main goal of leading small farmers to develop modern agriculture, taking into account the promotion of appropriate scale management of agriculture, and guiding small farmers to widely accept social services such as agricultural production trusteship and mechanized drying through policies, and strive to cultivate主体多元A fully competitive agricultural production and social service market, and centralized and continuous promotion of mechanized, large-scale, intensive green and efficient modern agricultural production mode;We will strive to improve the overall efficiency and competitiveness of agriculture, and promote the green development of agriculture and the sustainable use of resources。

2. Basic Information on Agricultural and rural Development

City of Houma5 townships run 68 administrative villages, 3.19Ten thousand households, arable land12.8万亩。2022The grain sown area of the city was stable at22.73Ten thousand acres, of which wheat12.16Ten thousand acres, corn10.57Ten thousand mu, the total grain output can reach8.6Over ten thousand tons。截止2022By the end of the year, the total power of the city's agricultural machinery reached9.540,000 kilowatts, all kinds of agricultural machinery ownership reached 1555 sets (sets), of which 64 large and medium-sized tractors9Table, combine harvester253Table, which wheat combine harvester102Table, corn combine151While increasing the number of conventional operation machinery and improving the quality of operation, rapid development has also been achieved in the mechanical facilities of primary processing, storage and transportation, drying, plant protection and flight prevention of agricultural productsAgricultural production mechanization level has reached92.47%。

The city registered agricultural machinery professional cooperative19家,The share of agricultural machinery cooperatives in agricultural production operations is increasing year by year,Diversified services such as land transfer, production trusteeship and semi-trusteeship have been carried out,However, the phenomena of small scale, non-standard management, waste of energy and poor operating efficiency exist in different degrees,It restricts the development of mechanized, large-scale and intensive green and efficient modern agricultural production。Therefore, the implementation of agricultural production trusteeship service pilot project is of great significance and very necessary。

3. Project objectives and tasks

(I) Project objectives。In-depth investigation,Widely understand and grasp the needs of the majority of farmers,Focus on the production and management of wheat, corn and other food crops,We will support key and weak links in providing trusteeship services for agricultural production,We will promote the formation of a stable and active market for agricultural production custody services,We will foster and strengthen trusteeship service organizations for agricultural production,We will explore mechanisms for the government to purchase agricultural public welfare services,Establish a production and operation service system that meets the needs of modern agricultural development,We will promote large-scale agricultural operations and green production,We will explore the formation of a replicable and extendable agricultural socialized service model and project management operation mechanism。

(2) Project tasks。According to the Shanxi Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs印发2023 Agricultural production trusteeship service pilot work guidance notice》(晋农发〔202318No.) file精神Our city undertakes2023Provincial-level pilot project implementation tasks, agricultural production trusteeship pilot project funds145Ten thousand yuan, need to complete the hosting service area2.35亩。It mainly covers wheat machines(旋)耕、小麦Rotary tillage fertilizer sowing, wheat corn drone flight prevention, wheatHarvest, corn machine harvest, corn machine tillage, corn sowing and other wheat and corn main producing areas of the series of trusteeship services

(3) Project time。202391日—20248月31日。

Iv. Project implementation content

(1) Leading industries and key links。Focus on the production of wheat and corn, two major food crops in our city, and focus on supporting service organizations around the weak links affecting the production of the city's agricultural industry chain2023The annual agricultural production of ploughing, planting, prevention, harvest four links, to provide small farmers with unified professional, large-scale trusteeship services。Encourage qualified service organizations, and promote the extension of service links from the main cultivation and harvest prevention to the whole process of agricultural production, such as the unified supply of production materials, specialized fertilization, plant protection, straw treatment, mechanized drying, transportation and warehousing。

oneSubsidy link。按照According to the principle of "focusing on leading industries, highlighting key links, expanding coverage, and focusing on continuous promotion", select key and weak agricultural production links according to local conditions, and support those links that individual farmers cannot, cannot, and do not want to do (those who have enjoyed the same project subsidies cannot be repeated).。General cultivation and harvest prevention of crops that are basically mature in the operation of the market mechanism are not included in the scope of support。

2.Object of subsidy。It is mainly for those with a certain scale and strong service abilityVillage collective economic organization,Service farmerService organizations such as cooperatives and agribusinesses。

3.Subsidy standard。According to the actual situation of industrial development and custody service market development, scientific development of service linksIn principle, the proportion of financial subsidies in the service price shall not exceed the subsidy standard for the service content, sub-links and sub-contents30%, a single season crop per mu subsidy scale does not exceed 100 yuan。We will prevent policies from creating "big households", focus on supporting small farmers to receive social services, and rationally set a ceiling for subsidies to large grain growers, family farms, agricultural production enterprises and other agricultural entities operating at an appropriate scale。The details are as follows:

List of price subsidies for project implementation guidance

Service link

Market price


Subsidy standard



Machine corn harvest

At actual market prices

The proportion of financial subsidies in the service price shall not exceed30%

Rotary tillage of wheat

Machine sowing

At actual market prices

The proportion of financial subsidies in the service price shall not exceed30%

Wheat harvesting

At actual market prices

The proportion of financial subsidies in the service price shall not exceed30%

Corn is sown with hard stubble

At actual market prices

The proportion of financial subsidies in the service price shall not exceed30%

4.Subsidy mode。The fund subsidy shall be carried out in the way of service first and then subsidy, that is, after the implementation of each link is completed and passed the examination and acceptance, the service organization in the project implementation area shall pay the subsidy funds according to the link。The service organization should sign a service contract with the service object to clarify the responsibilities and obligations of both parties部门Subsidize service organizations or service objects according to the actual work volume of service contracts。

(2) The selection criteria of the main body of the project service organization and the effect of the hosting service

1Project service organization standards

-- With legal personality, business license, account opening permit and other certificates complete, industrial and commercial annual inspection, tax declaration and other normal and effective。

-- Have certain social service experience, good social response, no major safety responsibility accidents, no mass petitioning incidents, etc。

-- Have the service content and service capability matchingBe fitted with...GPS monitoring and positioning of professional agricultural machinery and equipment and agricultural technical forces, all kinds of machinery through annual review, agricultural machinery personnel license complete。

-- With a fixed place and necessary office facilities suitable for the service, to meet the daily work, operation and training, the room is clean and tidy, the layout system is on the wall, and the relevant work flow and service commitment of agricultural production custody service are prominently placed。

2Managed service effects and standards

-- The operator shall strictly operate in accordance with the mechanical debugging standards to ensure that the hosting link is in place。

-- Ploughing should be consistent in depth, longitudinal to the edge and horizontal to the surface, leaving no dead corners, and the working surface is flat。

Seeds should be planted evenly, at appropriate depth, continuously, and without omission。

-- Prevent the potion from being distributed in place, spray evenly in the working area, cover no dead corners, and operate the drone gently。

- Harvest to achieve no obvious leakage leakage, grain damage rate in the lowest range。

5. Project implementation process

(1) Determine the service organization。In-depth research, a broad understanding of the needs of the majority of farmers and large-scale production and management subjects, master the local agricultural production trusteeship service organizations and professional social service organizations scale, ability, reputation, service prices and other factors, in progressOn the basis of comprehensive assessment, by agriculture,Agricultural machinery and other departments to takeOpen and standardized selection of service organizations as the main body of project implementation,The results will be published on the municipal government website

(2) Signing service contracts。The service organization participating in the implementation of the project shall sign a service contract with the service object, and specify the service land, service area, service content, operation time, quality requirements, etc。

(3) Providing operational services。The service organization provides relevant services in accordance with the requirements of the service contract。

(4) Allocating subsidy funds。On the basis of scientific verification of the service area and service quality provided by each service link of the service organization, the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs shall apply to the Municipal Bureau of Finance for the settlement of subsidy funds, and the Municipal Bureau of Finance shall timely allocate project funds in accordance with the fund management measures。

5. Summarize experience in a timely manner。During and after the implementation of the project, the subject of the project implementation should collect and sort out the physical dynamic image data in time, and summarize the typical model and successful experienceThe problems and improvement measures in the process of inspection and implementation shall be reported to the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in a timely manner。

(6) Project performance assessment。After completion of the project,The Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs shall inspect the implementation of the project content, the implementation effect, the acceptance status, the payment of funds, and the archiving of archival materials of the project implementation subject,Conduct performance appraisal,And according to the actual implementation of the project,Give an overall evaluation,The evaluation results serve as an important basis for the next year's fund allocation and the determination of project implementation subjects。

(7) Project exit mechanism。Based on performance appraisal results, etc,Implementation subjects that are poorly organized and fail to carry out their work as required will be resolutely withdrawn from the scope of the pilot,We will appropriately increase subsidy funds for implementing entities that have made strong progress in their work,Support links or implementation areas where a stable social service market has been formed and the market mechanism can play an effective role,The implementation body is encouraged to explore mechanisms and measures for withdrawing support links or lowering support standards to free up funds to adjust or expand the scope of the pilot area。

6. Safeguard measures

1. Strengthen organizational leadership。The municipal government is the main body responsible for the implementation of the pilot project, coordinating the agricultural and rural bureau, finance, agricultural machinery,相关乡(街道And other units and departments to ensure the implementation of the project。The municipal agricultural and rural departments shall formulate the implementation plan, clarify the objectives and tasks, implementation contents, support links and operation mechanisms, increase the policy publicity of the pilot work, approve the project plans of the implementation subjects, and actively explore and innovate the working mechanism and effective model of socialized agricultural production services。

2. Strengthen implementation guidance。The municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs should strengthen the management and guidance of agricultural socialized service industry,We will strengthen supervision over the performance of trusteeship service entities,The customer satisfaction is regarded as an important criterion to measure the service quality,The service area and service quality are not up to the requirements of the contract,In accordance with the contract, it is necessary to cancel its service qualification in time and investigate its liability for breach of contract。

3. Strengthen oversight of funds。Clarify the scope of use of subsidy funds,补助Standards and responsibilities for the formulation, implementation and review of the fund use plan。The Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs should effectively strengthen the supervision of funds to ensure the safe and efficient use of funds。In accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, relevant units and personnel shall be held accountable for violations of discipline such as squeezing, withholding and misappropriating project funds。

4. Strengthening funding guarantees。The municipal finance bureau shall arrange no less than50,000 yuan of project implementation funds, mainly used for expert team services, publicity training and household guidance,Supervision and inspection, project acceptance and work guidance, pilot experience summary and improve policy measures。

5. Strengthen publicity and guidance。It is necessary to guide service organizations to innovate service methods and service mechanisms, strengthen service quality and price supervision, and promote the formulation of industry service standards。Attach great importance to the publicity and interpretation of relevant policies, fully respect the will of the majority of farmers and service organizations, pay attention to mobilizing the enthusiasm of both farmers and service organizations, vigorously create a good environment for promoting agricultural production custody services, and encourage and guide the majority of farmers and service organizations to actively participate in agricultural socialization services。It is necessary to strengthen the investigation and research of agricultural production trusteeship, summarize typical experience in a timely manner, give full play to the typical demonstration and leading role, and strive to create a good atmosphere for promoting development。

Annex: Houma City2023Member of the leadership group of the agricultural production trusteeship Service pilot project



Houma City2023Pilot of trusteeship service for agricultural production

List of project leadership team members

长:Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Mayor

Deputy Leader:Agricultural division农村Working deputy mayor

员:Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Municipal Bureau of Finance, Municipal Audit Bureau, Municipal Rural revitalization Service center, municipal agricultural machinery center

The leadership group has an office, which is located in the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the director of the office is the main person in charge of the municipal Rural revitalization Service Center and is responsible for leading the implementation2023Agricultural production trusteeship service pilot project。

If there is any change in the composition of the leading group, the current staff will be replaced by themselves, and the office will make timely and dynamic adjustments without issuing another document。

Document interpretation:Houma City People's Government OfficeNotice on the issuance of "Houma 2023 Agricultural Production Trusteeship Service Pilot Project Implementation Plan"


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