2024欧洲杯投注 > Public data > Statistical bulletin

Houma City 2022 National economic and social development Statistical bulletin

2023-06-20 Source: Houma City Bureau of Statistics

Houma City Statistics Bureau

2022Years, in the municipal party committee, municipal government坚强Under the leadership of the cityStick up and down以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻落实党的Twentieth National Congress精神习近平总书记视察山西重要讲话重要指示精神,Resolutely implement"The epidemic must be contained, the economy must be stable, and development must be safe."In-depth implementationThe development idea of "1236" is guided by the construction of the central city of South Shanxi region.We will accelerate urban development and industrial upgrading"Two-wheel drive",踔厉 Work hard, move forward bravely and push forward in all aspectsEconomy and society of our cityHigh-quality development。


Preliminary accounting, the city's annual gross regional product1706916Ten thousand yuan, at constant prices,Compared with last year增长6.0%。Among them, the primary industry increased46449Ten thousand yuan, growth3.9%, as a proportion of the gross domestic product2.7%;Added value of the secondary industry596211万元,增长9.0%, as a proportion of the gross domestic product34.9%;Added value of the tertiary industry1064256Ten thousand yuan, growth4.9%, as a proportion of the gross domestic product62.4%。

Gross regional product per capita66196元,按2022The average annual exchange rate is calculated as9842美元。

1   2018-2022The city's gross regional product and its growth rate

    据2022Population sample survey, the city's permanent resident population at the end of the year257668People, than the end of last year减少378人。Annual population born in the city1628People, the birth rate is6.31Death toll1867People, the mortality rate is7.24,Natural growth rate is-0.93‰。

1  2022Resided in the city at the end of the year人口及其构成


Year-end number (persons)


Total resident population of the city



Among them: Towns






Among them: Male






citywideNew urban jobs8052,Transfer of rural labor7751人。

Economic development made steady progress。Overcome the influence of epidemic factors, the city's economy has been stable and good on the whole。The contribution rate of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery (excluding agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery services) to economic growth is2.0%, driving GDP growth of 0%.1 percentage point;The contribution of industry to economic growth is 46 %.5%, boosting GDP growth by 2%.Eight percentage points;The contribution of the construction industry to economic growth is -4.8%, driving GDP down by 0. 0.Three percentage points;The service sector contributed 56 percent to economic growth.3 percent, boosting GDP growth by 3 percent.4 percentage points, of which, wholesale and retail contributed 17 percent.0%, driving GDP growth of 1.The contribution rate of non-profit service industry was 21 percent.1%, boosting GDP growth by 1%.Three percentage points。


The whole year the city's crop planting area16082公顷, an increase over the previous year121 hectares, an increase of 0.8%。Among them, grain planting area15155公顷,增加3公顷,蔬菜Planting area663公顷,增加60公顷。In the grain planting area, corn planting area7047公顷,增加155公顷, wheat planting area8108公顷,减少152公顷

    全年全市Grain output86428Increased production over the previous year0.7%。Among them, summer grain46504,减产1.4%,秋粮39924,增产3.2%

2   2022全市Output and growth rate of main agricultural and forestry products

Product name

Year-on-year growth%



  Where: small












 citywide肉类Total output3575, an increase over the previous year3.1%。Among them, pork production2959,增长2.2%;Beef production134,增长3.9%;Mutton yield199,增长5.9%;Poultry meat production was 283 tons, an increase of 11.4%。End of year pig inventory22142头,增长17.4%,The pigs are out38164,增长4.8%Milk production1921,下降13.4%;Egg production3020吨,增长1.9%;Output of aquatic products880,增长5.4%

Total power of agricultural machinery in the city at the end of the year9.54megawatt, an increase of 2 percent over the previous year.1%Mechanical acreage11.8万亩, an increase over the previous year1.7%;Machine-sown area22.7Mu, down0.3%;Mechanical harvested area22.3Mu, year-on-year growth11.9%。The city's agricultural machinery服务收入4350万元, down from the previous year0.2%

Industry and construction

Year-end balanceIndustrial enterprises above the municipal scale59。citywideIndustrial added value above designated sizeYear-on-year growth13.6%。Among them, mining下降67.7%, manufacturing growth18.0Production and supply of electricity, heat, gas and water grew26.2%。

2    2018-2022全市Growth rate of industrial added value above designated size

 表3   2022全市Growth rate of industrial added value above designated size


Year-on-year growth%

Industry above designated size


      Among them: light industry


            Heavy industry


      Among them: state-owned enterprises


State-owned holding enterprise


            Private enterprise


            Foreign investors and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan investment enterprises


      Among them: coke industry


            Ferrous metal smelting and rolling industry


            Nonferrous metal smelting and rolling industry


Pharmaceutical industry


通用Equipment manufacturing industry


4   2022全市The output and growth rate of the main industrial products of the industries above designated size


Product name



Year-on-year growth%

Generating capacity

Ten thousand kilowatt-hours



Chinese patent medicine










Core kilometer












Throughout the year, the city's industrial enterprises above designated size achieved business income15.90568 million yuan, an increase of 9.7%。By category, the mining industry 48.12 million yuan, down 67.2%;The manufacturing industry was 13,788.95 million yuan, an increase of 7.6%;Electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply industry 2.06861 million yuan, an increase of 34.4%。

The city's construction industry added value than the previous year下降5.1%。资质Total output value of construction enterprises107454万元,下降4.1%, total contract amount signed247416万Yuan, growth24.9%。Building construction area147Ten thousand square meters,增长41.2%。


The annual power generation of industrial enterprises above designated size in the city was312.707 million KWH, an increase of 3 percent over the previous year.6%。The total electricity consumption of the whole society in the whole city was 151,313.80,000 KWH, of which, the primary industry electricity 900.90,000 KWH, accounting for 0. 0 of the total electricity consumption.6%;Secondary industry electricity 95516.20,000 KWH, accounting for 63 percent of the total electricity consumption.1%, of which, industrial electricity 94,359.10,000 KWH;Tertiary industry electricity 29,269.30,000 KWH, accounting for 19 percent of the total electricity consumption.3%;Electricity consumption for urban and rural residents 25627.30,000 KWH, accounting for 16 percent of the total electricity consumption.9%。

V. Service Industry

The added value of service industry in the whole year1064256万Yuan, at constant prices, an increase over the previous year4.9%。Among them, the value added of wholesale and retail trade345840万Yuan, growth5.0%;Added value of transportation, warehousing and postal services221683万Yuan, growth1.6%;Added value of accommodation and catering industry22975万Yuan, growth14.3%;Value added of financial industry87473万Yuan, growth7.0%;Added value of real estate industry109441万Yuan, growth0.3%;Value added of for-profit service industry62155万Yuan, growth4.8%;Value added of non-profit service industry211397万Yuan, growth8.6%。The operating income of service enterprises above designated size increased throughout the year21.0%。

3   2018-2022The whole cityValue added of service industryAnd its growth rate

年末Total mileage of highway traffic in the city434Km, among which the highway16.09公里, unchanged from the previous year

Post and telecommunications services are completed throughout the year收入23429万元。Among them, the postal service收入4497Ten thousand yuan, telecommunications business收入18932万元(其中,移动11900Yuan Yuan, China Unicom5137Yuan Yuan, Telecom1895万元)。Citywide landlines at the end of the year1.61万Department, mobile phone users30.97万户,Internet broadband access users11.43万户,Fixed and mobile telephone penetration rates were respectively6Per hundred people120/百人。

4    2018-2022The number of fixed and mobile phone users in the city

, domestic trade

Total annual retail sales of social consumer goods in the city713932万元,Year-on-year growth1.2%。Total retail sales of consumer goods above the quota80465万元,增长15.7%。

Urban retail sales of consumer goods by place of operation671096万元,增长1.0%;Retail sales of rural consumer goods42836万Yuan, growth1.0%。According to consumption pattern statistics, retail sales of goods694422万元,增长0.1%;Catering income19510万Yuan, growth3.8%。

5   2018-2022Total retail sales of consumer goods and its growth rate

5   In 2022, the total retail sales of social consumer goods, wholesale and retail sales, residential and dining turnover and their growth rate in the city

                                                                   Unit: ten thousand yuan

Absolute number

Year-on-year growth%

Total retail sales of consumer goods



Subregion: Town






Wholesale and retail sales



Wholesale business



        Retail business



Accommodation and catering sales



            Hotel industry



        Catering industry



Investment in fixed assets

Investment in fixed assets throughout the year(excluding cross-city and rural households) increased over the previous year10.2%。

6   2018-2022年全Growth rate of fixed asset investment

In fixed asset investmentState-owned and state-controlled investmentsYear-on-year growth76.9%。Private investment下降15.0%

In terms of composition, investment in construction and installation projects declined from the previous year3.2Investment in the purchase of equipment and tools increased99.5%, other investment growth0.1%。

Industry look, noIndustrial investmentYear-on-year growth56.1%;Secondary industry investment增长19.7%;Tertiary industry investment增长1.1%

6   2022全市Investment in fixed assets of the whole society and its growth rate by industry



Year-on-year growth%


Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries


Manufacturing industry


Production and supply of electricity, gas and water


Transportation, warehousing and postal services


Real estate industry


Water, environment and utilities management




Health and social work


Fixed asset investment projects under construction throughout the year(Excluding real estate development projects)65个。

Real estate development investment throughout the year109065万元,下降34.4%。Among them, residential investment86776万元,下降32.1%Investment in commercial premises6384万元,下降62.3%

7   2022全市Real estate development and sales


Absolute number

Year-on-year growth%

Completion of investment



  Where: Live



Building construction area

Square meter



  Where: Live

Square meter



Built-up area

Square meter



  Where: Live

Square meter



Commercial housing sales area

Square meter



  Where: Live

Square meter



8. Foreign Economy

Total annual customs import and export volume of the city60092万元,增长207.3%。Among them, the amount of imports3415万元,下降49.4%Value of exports56677万元,增长342.8%

7   2018-2022全市Total customs import and export and its growth rate

9. Finance

The city's general public budget for the whole year收入55606万元,增长0.1%。其中,Tax revenue42381万元,下降5.0%;Non-tax income was 132.25 million yuan, an increase of 20 percent.8%;Value-added tax, corporate income tax, individual income tax, deed tax and urban construction tax are completed in total24713万元,下降19.2%。

8   2018-2022General public budget of the cityIncome and its growth rate

The city's general public budget for the whole year支出196128万元,增长10.3%。其中Expenditure on general public services increased37.9%;A 20 percent increase in public safety spending.5%;Education expenditure增长24.8%Expenditure on culture, tourism, sports and media增长16.1%;Spending on social security and employment fell5.0%;Health spending fell 4.9%;Expenditures for agriculture, forestry and water conservancy increased by 22 percent.4%;Urban and rural community affairsExpenditure growth17.9%;Transportation expenditure increased56.0%

Financial institutions in the city at the end of the year人民Currency balance3062279Ten thousand yuan, an increase from the beginning of the year439474Ten thousand yuan, growth16.8%。Loan balance1542590Ten thousand, than at the beginning of the year增加214463万元,增长16.2%。

8   2022Last cityFinancial institution人民Currency deposits and loans and their growth rate

                                                                Unit: ten thousand yuan

Year-end balance

Compared with the beginning of the year增长%

Deposit balance



Household deposit



Deposits from non-financial enterprises



Loan balance



Household loan



Loans to non-financial enterprises and institutions



9   2018-2022Annual householdDeposit balance and its growth rate

Annual premium income of the whole city7.54亿元,下降0.5%。Among them, the premium income of life insurance business4.82亿元,下降7.8%Property insurance business premium income2.72亿元,增长15.7%。

Education and science and technology

At the end of the year, there are secondary vocational schools in the city1, ordinary middle school 11Suo, primary school32A special education school1所,Registered kindergarten65所。Enrolment rate of primary school-age children100%, six years of primary school retention rate 100%, three years of junior high school retention rate100%,High school gross enrollment rate reached93%。

9  2022全市Various educational developments

Unit: Person



Student at school


Secondary vocational education




Ordinary high school








Ordinary primary school




The city declared patents throughout the year203件,Decline from the previous year4.7%。Number of patents granted302件,Among them, invention patents24件。The total number of high-tech enterprises recognized throughout the year reached32Home, the total number of private technology enterprises reached13家。

At the end of the year, the city has a provincial enterprise technology center11Provincial industry technology center1个,Provincial manufacturing innovation center1个,Linfen municipal enterprise technology center24个。

年末citywide44A business passedISO9000 quality system certification,3A business passed"3C" mandatory product certification,3An enterprise obtained a production license for industrial products,28Enterprise acquisition“SC”标志

十一, style and hygiene

There is a cultural center in our city at the end of the year1, 1 public library, 1 museum, 1 performing arts group,Public sports venues1个,Sports venues and facilities211Place, stadiumArea reached61Ten thousand square meters。Own a radio station1 seat, 1 radio program, 1 cable TV program12Set, cable TV subscribers8500户。

2022The city's national intangible cultural heritage project reached1, provincial project 17A, municipal project37A, county level project42个。

The city's total at the end of the year医疗health institution231Home, where医院21家,Health center3, Community healthService center(站)There are 17 hospitals, 8 outpatient departments, 99 urban clinics, 79 village clinics, 1 maternal and child health care hospital (station), 1 disease control center, 1 health sports enforcement team, and 1 blood collection and supply。The city's health institutions share beds1398Zhang, which hospital bed1245Zhang, hospital bed47。Health personnel2,914 people, of whichHealth technician2384人。

People's livelihood and social security

全年Per capita disposable income of city residents31,045 yuan, an increase of 6.2%。其中,Per capita disposable income of urban residents37918Yuan, growth6.2%Per capita disposable income of rural residents20046Yuan, growth5.8%。

10   2018-2022全市Urban per capita disposable income and its growth rate

11  2018-2022全市Per capita disposable income of rural residents and its growth rate

Year-end participation cityRural residentThe number of basic pension insurance is81866People, participate in the cityTown workerThe number of basic pension insurance is63978People;attendBasic of urban and rural residentsThe number of persons covered by medical insurance is155487人,The number of urban workers participating in the basic medical insurance is50689人;The number of persons participating in unemployment insurance is12513The number of persons participating in work-related injury insurance is38015人。

citywideNumber of people receiving subsistence allowance1973人;纳入城市Minimum living allowance for residents575People, issue urban subsistence allowance funds421Ten thousand yuan;Residents covered by the minimum living allowance in rural areas1398People, grant rural subsistence allowance funds924.7万元。Urban and rural medical assistance throughout the year2798People, grant relief312万元。

Resources, environment and safety in production

Total annual water consumption4644Million cubic meters,Among them, industrial water consumption396Ten thousand cubic meters, agricultural water consumption3018Million cubic meters。The average annual precipitation of the city512.4 mm, 322 less than the previous year.2毫米。

2022According to the new evaluation standard, the air quality in the urban area is better than the number of days above grade II228Days. One of those daysCount up to22

Green coverage area of urban built-up area at the end of the year912.710,000 square meters, new green area7.810,000 square meters, green coverage reached42.8%,人均公共Green area10.07Square meters;City sewage treatment rate100%;The harmless treatment rate of urban solid waste in urban areas is 100%;Central heating coverage reached 98%

A total of work safety accidents occurred throughout the year5, 5 people died in production safety accidents, and the annual GDP of 100 million yuan production safety accident mortality rate was 0.029 people / 100 million yuan。

Notes to the bulletin

1.Some of the data in this bulletin are preliminary statistics。

2.The gross regional product (GDP) and the absolute value added of each industry are calculated at current prices, and the growth rate is calculated at constant prices。

3.All growth or decline rates are compared with the previous year。

4.Some data are not equal to the total of sub-items due to rounding。

5.Post and telecommunications business data from Houma City post, Houma City Telecom, mobile, Unicom company

6.Insurance data from Linfen Insurance Association。


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